Åsa Bujon


Åsa Bujon Sweden (SE)

Åsa Bujon has exhibited a total of 56 artworks at 3 exhibitions organized by artnetco.eu all over Europe.

"Thrilling motives can be found everywhere. Different settings and cultural places with variating lights and colors enter my mind. The combination of odd details with those impressions and memories are reflected in my works. What inspires me most is everything in nature, meaning familiar situations – similar to old wallpapers! – but also unexpected dramas found in details and colors.

Nature’s own "decorations", roads, houses and other "disturbing" buildings are very tempting for me to discover and combine in my motives. It’s like finding things put in the wrong places in your own home! My works are mostly in oil on linen. Lately I have discovered a special technique in Chinese brush painting which gives me a medium to express stillness and transparency in my works. This technique is now showing in my traditional oil painting – both in motives, perspectives and brush technique. Working in Chinese ink paper is usually chosen, but I also paint oil on paper – which seems to give a lighter feeling/impression! In this last case I must fix the painting on non-acid cardboard or on a natural canvas.

There is no exact distinction between figurative or abstract when defining my expression – for me the interpretation may be one or the other – or both."

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